Core Interaction


This is the website for Core Interaction, Section A. This is an introductory interactive design class taught by Nika Simovich Fisher and Dylan Fisher. All assignments, notes, readings, and other materials will be housed on this website.

The studio class meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9–11:40 AM.

The lab class meets on Friday mornings from 9–11:40 AM.


Studio Syllabus

Lab Syllabus

Reading Reflections

Link Here

Remote Working

Studio Zoom Link

Lab Zoom Link

Glitch Collection

CI21 Glitch Collection


Nika Simovich Fisher, Studio

Dylan Fisher, Lab

Lab Tutors

Sign up to meet 1-on-1 with lab tutors for additional help.
Google Doc signup sheet.

This website is built using Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages. You can view the source code of this website at